Board Members

Asif Aftab Asif is an IT professional and property owner in the GTA. Asif has experienced firsthand the challenges posed by the professional tenants and the broken Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) system. The philosophy that underpins Ontario’s current system is that property owners are obligated to provide free housing to tenants if they decide not to pay the rent. Asif joined SOLO to support other smaller property owners, advocate against the current LTB policies, and influence a positive change.
Boubah Boubah believes that most tenants and landlords are decent law abiding citizens and the focus should be on encouraging small ownership landlords to stay in the rental business by making the LTB resolution system smooth and timely for the benefit of both good landlords and good tenants.
Crystal Crystal is a professional accountant and small property owner in Southwestern Ontario. While blessed with great tenants, Crystal has witnessed the hardships suffered by small property owners and also learned how parts of the RTA, delays at the LTB, and new policies enacted by municipalities are contributing to the housing crises. Crystal wants to help influence positive change that supports responsible small landlords which benefits good tenants.
Kevin Costain Kevin has a background in technology and has been a small business owner for more than two decades. Kevin has worked tirelessly for many months both in public and behind the scenes. He spearheaded a shift of internal technology making it easier to work with and support SOLO members.
Rose Marie Rose is an advocate for landlords who want access to timely justice.
Varun Sriskanda Varun Sriskanda is a licensed Realtor in Ontario with Re/Max Royal Properties and a lawyer licensing candidate with the Law Society of Ontario (LSO). He holds a Bachelors in criminology from the University of Windsor, a law degree from the University of Buckingham and a Masters in law from Osgoode Hall. He is passionate about all things real estate but mainly the rights of housing providers.
Tracy Tong Tracy Tong is a communications, marketing, and corporate affairs leader with over 20 years of experience in global logistics and financial institutions. Having experienced first-hand the challenges faced by small housing providers in Ontario, Tracy is committed to advocating for fair and effective reforms in the residential housing system, including at the Landlord and Tenant Board. She supports SOLO’s mission to create a more balanced and sustainable rental market.
Vera SOLO was born to make changes to a one sided system and Vera  wanted to be a part of. Changes for the small property owner, not just for today but for the many tomorrows. To change a system to one that is responsible and accountable to all participants.