Small Ownership Landlords of Ontario

Landlords Helping Landlords

Small Ownership Landlords of Ontario

Landlords Helping Landlords
(647) 792-4951

Fraudsters – Crystal Beach to Thorold, ON

The landlord wants a final Order. They want to stop having to pay legal bills due to no fault of their own. They want to know that when an issue starts in the Fall of 2023, why does it take almost a year to cross the finish line?

This notification was received at the end of April 2024 for a Hearing that took place mid-January 2024. The member who heard the application is currently on leave from the Board and unable to issue the Order.  The new hearing will be held on an expedited basis.  At this point, the landlord had been waiting 110 days for their Order.

With all the professionals who are managing the LTB, how is it that a landlord is responsible for paying for repeated legal representation particularly when they are owed tens of thousands of dollars in unpaid rent?  Why isn’t there a process to protect the victim? How many University Degree professionals are needed to implement internal procedures that are fair and efficient? When an Adjudicator is ill why does the LTB world stop? Is there no one in this organization that can figure this out? Any other business would not be able to function this way – ethically or profitably.

The notification continued with: The Board has scheduled this application for a de novo (new) hearing. This means that the hearing will start fresh with a new member. Any evidence previously submitted will not be considered. You must re-submit all evidence, whether oral and physical, for this hearing.

Then a special endorsement said this: I apologize to the parties for the delay they have experienced.

The notification continues,
The documents, pictures and other evidence given to the other party(s) and filed with the LTB at the first hearing may be relied upon at the new hearing. You do not have to serve or file it again. At the new hearing you will, however, have to tell the Member what of these documents, pictures and other evidence you want them to consider.

This landlord is one of two landlords that were defrauded.

Here are the public orders for the landlords who were defrauded by tenants Andrea Steed and Jeffrey Lawson.  We are in a housing crisis. Landlords are shutting down their properties due to the ongoing fraud and lack of protection from the Residential Tenancy Act. Law abiding tenants, are you finding it hard to find a new place to live?  This is why.

PUBLIC ORDER $15,000 in arrears Landlord #1

PUBLIC ORDER  $26,336.34 in arrears Landlord #2

The final Order has arrived. The REVIEW ORDER states that the Public Order Stands for Landlord #2

We’re helping housing providers fight back. In addition to educational content such as documentation and webinars, we’re leading an effort to help landlords understand how they can initiate criminal prosecutions for fraud, Freedom of Information requests and how to enforce payment through Small Claims Court.  If you are a landlord in need of help, we welcome you to join us for free.

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