Small Ownership Landlords of Ontario

Landlords Helping Landlords

Small Ownership Landlords of Ontario

Landlords Helping Landlords
(647) 792-4951

SOLO Landlord Story #18: Tenant from Hell

This tenant was referred to us by one of our longtime tenants in another unit. The house was not ready yet to rent. We were installing flooring. She made me believe that her LL was selling the house she was in and needed a place to rent so she could have her son back. This was Nov 20/2018.

Then she asked me if she could store her belongings in the basement and she would pay. Come Dec 20/2018, she wanted to move in to have X-mas with her son. I agreed and felt sad so I said “ok” but we still had to install the flooring in the living room. She said that would not be a problem. She moved in Dec 20/2018 and had Xmas etc.

First week of Jan 2019 we went to install the floor. First day was ok. We left our tools there with their permission. Went back the next day our tools were missing: drill, saw – $550.00 value. Asked what happened to the tools and the male tenant said their friends must have taken it to resell. He said he would buy the tools – (Nothing happened) We reported it to the police. 

Paid first month rent. Feb/2019 male tenant paid last month’s rent. We asked her to pay for storing her items for the month of December – “No.” Come March 19/2019, I gave them an N5 for traffic going to the house. After a lot of neighbours complained about noise on the roof, garbage around the house and stolen tools of $550.00, they also changed the locks without our permission many times.

Dec 7/2020 went to check things around and we saw things out. Main tenant was there (the guy that recommended them fee). With flashlights, the house looked like they were packing. Knocked and asked about rent and reconnecting utilities. She told me it would be connected soon as Kinaway Legal Clinic was going to help her pay. Made an appointment to meet her at 11am Dec 8/2020 to check the house as heat was off. 

Went to the house on Dec 8/2020 and no one showed up. We were there till 1:30pm. Went to see paralegal and file for eviction. Dec 10/2020 gave tenant notice. Dec 11/2020 we went to inspect the house. Appointment was for 12pm, the tenant called and asked if we could go for 3pm, I said okay. When we got there she told me the boyfriend/male tenant had turned off the water. Then I knew we had a big problem. 

Went in the house with the tenant. The pipes were all busted, water was everywhere, from the second floor all the way to the basement. Clothes frozen to the floor. We advised her to clean up. She said yes she would clean up. It did not happen, nothing was cleaned up. 

Rent was 1200.00 monthly, plus utilities, Lease Signed. Total Damages, Rent, Utilities – $91,229.01.  I have called MP/MPPs, Min of Housing, Chief of Police and emailed Premier Ford – “No Help”

All the abuse, stress we have to go through and the tenants live free in our homes we have worked to pay for and maintain.

Jan 5/2021 – We called the health unit to inspect the house. Health unit condemned the house as the water was everywhere, frozen flooring. Health unit advised LL to board up the house and post a note “No Entry”. LL wrote a letter to the tenant advising them what the health unit had said plus the copy of the letter from the health unit. Damages caused by the water – $81,264.07 – by a professional emergency company.

Damages Caused and Rent owed Breakdown:

Stolen Tools – $550.00

Rent from June 2019 – Jan 2021 – $6850.00

Hydro and Gas for storage – $1429.00

Front locks and Window – $480.00

Stuff – $350.00

Garbage Dump x2 – $110.00

Water March – $173.32

June – $183.60

Sept – $188.50

Nov – $200.00

Saturday, Feb 20/2021, we called them to come and pick up their belongings as some things were already picked up by them. We had an appointment for 10am, they did not show up till 11:10am. Main tenant had left but their friends, boyfriend and sister stayed for a while. Her boyfriend was very aggressive towards me and told me to get out of the house.

I told them they had till 5pm. I went outside and told them to take everything out of the porch, bedroom, upstairs and the basement. I went to sit in my van, not even 10 minutes later the main tenant wanted me to open the basement door to get things out of there. Again I told her to take stuff only from the porch, bedroom and upstairs first. She refused and said she did not want to take those things.

In another apartment the tenant did not pay rent and owed $2120.00. I filed for eviction and he claimed bankruptcy. I will never see that money again! He left in the first week of Jan 2020. I filed on Nov 15/19 and the hearing scheduled for Feb 26/2020.

I’m a very frustrated and annoyed landlord as the LTB sides with tenants and landlords have no rights whatsoever. No one in the government tried to help me. I called MP/MPPs, City Councilor, Minister of Housing, and Premier’s office. No help from anyone.

If you REALLY want to see change, support the SOLO Legal Action and contribute to our Legal fund here.

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