Small Ownership Landlords of Ontario

Landlords Helping Landlords

Small Ownership Landlords of Ontario

Landlords Helping Landlords
(647) 792-4951

SOLO Landlord Story #17: How do you book 40 LTB cases in a 1-4 pm time frame?

My case was #3 and still was not heard on June 24, 2021 

Update on the prolonged LTB case. I had my hearing with the LTB on Thursday 24th June 2021. Although I was #3 on the docket the LTB found a way to delay my hearing. Of course, at 3:50 the adjudicator was finished for the day. Leaving the last docket, mine, to be pushed to another date, to be rescheduled to no less than 3 months away.

So, it’s been more than 14 months, (since 31 October 2020 for the non payment of rent application) and potentially another three months that I will not be receiving any rent. Have you ever heard of anyone slating about 40 cases with over 80 individuals in a 1pm – 4pm time frame? If the LTB is going to do that, and make everyone wait hours, have the respect to complete the task.

There are so many deficiencies in this process, anyone with half an education could audit the process and see that the process and hearings are biased. Although the tenant had 14 months in all and 8 months for this hearing to prepare and reach out to legal aid (duty council) for free, he did not until the hearing was about to take place.

Did you know this service is not available to the landlord? Landlords are often left to work out the system by themselves. On this particular day, the tenant chose to accept Duty Council, because it is practically pushed on the tenants at these hearings, thus wasting most of the 3 hours of valuable time allocated to all the hearings slated for the day.

I am told that this Duty Council service is provided for summary legal advice only, it is clear that this “service” goes beyond, some duty councilors were attending the hearings. It is clear that this has become a platform for duty council/legal aid representatives, to drum up new business. So while the duty council is burning time, landlords and their paid representatives are watching the clock tick. Who is paying for this service only provided to the tenants?

Furthermore, my delinquent tenant, who hasn’t paid rent in 14 months and counting, and the duty council whom he just met, who really doesn’t know any of the case merits, decide to bring up a last attempt issue that has never been mentioned to me, my paid council or to anyone else in this process prior. Essentially they were trying to “negotiate” $7500 from me. I am told that introducing a new issue at the hearing is against the Landlord and Tenant Rules, but of course, the adjudicator wants to go home for the day and although against protocol, this is a good way out to postpone. 

Why wasn’t protocol followed?

Why are the rules so slanted? Why am I made to subsidize someone else’s rent and utilities? Pay for hearings which are delayed up to 14 months? Why weren’t my two cases merged to be heard together? NOL-41251-20 and NOL-40007-20

Why isn’t anyone else in the government helping me? I’ve made numerous attempts by email to garnish help.

How is this process and reviewing cases considered “justice in a timely manner?

Why are the administrators and adjudicators at the LTB able to manipulate hearing rules in a way that doesn’t do anyone justice but serve to prolong the process at a direct cost to the landlord? 

I was told that cases would be heard as they were submitted, from what I saw on Thursday, many if not all the cases heard were newer than mine based on the NOL numbers. Some legal aids seemed to be getting their multiple cases pushed through easier than others. Why is my case not moving forward in a timely manner?

So am I being punished for being vocal? It is noteworthy that the adjudicator had a private side

conversation with the room administrator Barak at about 3:50pm just after I made a plea to have my case heard that day. 

What am I to make of this private conversation? What was said? Was I being “black

balled”? Can I request transcripts of that conversation? 

The system is broken and the LTB should be held accountable for the tens of thousands of dollars they are costing Ontario Landlords.


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