Home Advocacy EMail Your MPP Monday: A Response Template

EMail Your MPP Monday: A Response Template


To say our “Email Your MPP Monday” campaign has been a success is an understatement. The effort to make politicians aware of our current struggles with the Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board and the Residential Tenancies act has been doubling in engagement each week. The campaign’s reach has even popped up on Reddit and various media. We’re on a roll. Because of this, many of you are starting to hear back.

Of course, we want to reply to their messages by voicing our detailed displeasure. If you get an answer from your Mail your MPP message that effectively says, “The LTB is not my department,” then respond with some (or all) of the following text. Maybe you’d like to continue an email conversation but are unsure what to say. We’re here to help.

You can choose to select and copy one paragraph of text or select the entire message and respond with that. We’ve formatted the following text to best fit on mobile, but it can be used anywhere.


Your response is unacceptable, as you
are sidestepping our point that the
LTB is a broken system. Repeating a
few improvements is useless because it
does not drive actual results. The LTB
needs reform, and it needs it now. We
are suffering from undue stress and 
financial exploitation. You are well 
aware that thousands of landlords are
experiencing abuse because of a
miscarriage of justice on a mass scale.
The LTB needs to follow its own
guidelines to schedule hearings within
25 days. Currently, the wait time is
40 weeks (10 months) and up, amounting
to apathy on the tribunal and
legislators' part. That delay is over
ten times the service standard -an
excess of 280 days!
How is that justice?

"Justice delayed is justice denied."

Tens of thousands of small landlords
and tenants are impacted by the LTB
delays, and they expect you to hold
the LTB accountable and find a
solution to alleviate the housing
crisis in Ontario.

The RTA needs legislation reform. The
flow of applications for non-payment
of rent needs to be immediately
reformed. When thousands more rentals
are built, the system will become more
clogged. Inefficiency in alleviating
unprecedented financial loss on the
landlords' side cannot be a societal
norm any longer.

As the elected representative of the 
people of this riding, you have a duty
to raise any issue affecting your

The LTB is not so "independent," being
it is a creation of the people of
Ontario through operational
responsibility and the passing of our
legislation. It is bound to the law,
and you must, on behalf of the people
of Ontario, ensure that it is
fulfilling its obligation to adjudicate
disputes between landlords and tenants 
in Ontario in a timely fashion. This
responsibility is not interference but,
in fact, accountability. Checks and 
balances are part of democracy, and so
is access to justice.

Ontarians expect no less from you, and 
we will continue to ask for answers and,
more importantly, action every Monday.

We need real answers.

We will not suffer silently any longer.

That’s it. Be sure to sign off from your message and hit send.

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