Home LTB SOLO Landlord Story #21: Complaint against the LTB-How much pain to bear...

SOLO Landlord Story #21: Complaint against the LTB-How much pain to bear for Landlords before justice is served?


Dear LTB, MPP Michael Gravelle and Ombudsman of Ontario, 

I would like to officially launch a formal complaint against the LTB. This is ridiculous!

How much pain and suffering does a human being have to endure to get justice in Ontario?

The LTB should be investigated because it is a broken down dysfunctional bureaucracy. Why does it take the LTB so long to fix their own mistakes and additional four months to reschedule a meeting? This is after I have already lost over two years & over $30,000. How can the tenant violate every single part of the LTB Standard Lease, refuse to pay his rent for over a year and the LTB continues to make mistake after mistake at my sole expense, yet still not serve justice in an adequate time frame?  What’s going on here? How incompetent is this organization? All it is doing is allowing criminal tenants to be protected and costing the landlords’ tens of thousands of dollars.

I had started this eviction process to get this criminal out of my house since July 5, 2020, while this “Fraudster from Hell ” has broken and violated every rule in the LTB’s own Standard Lease, however, I cannot get him evicted. In fact it appears he is still under the “blessing, protection and full support” of the LTB. Unfortunately, the only thing that has happened that came of this unbelievably terrible stressful situation is my deteriorating health, and I have lost over $30,000 and still counting.

What does a hard working Ontario Taxpayer have to do to get his property back? Please tell me. This is beyond ridiculous! I have supplied numerous pieces of evidence including photos, tape recordings, testimonies, police reports, estimates from contractors, and letters from the health unit and bed bug exterminators, which recommend eviction of this tenant. The LTB Adjudicator issued an order for the tenant to pay since April, however, the tenant ignored it and he continues to live there. I have exhausted all my options and sadly have no solution in sight. While the LTB members still get paid, the tenants continue to live for free for over a year, all the lawyers are racking up their bills. Everyone involved in this system is getting paid while I have to work twice as hard to pay all my family’s expenses and to pay the tenants’ expenses, their lawyers, their bed bugs, their garbage cleanup, their damages to the property and much more. I’ve lost over $30,000 and my health is worsening. I do not believe that any of you would have put up with this if it was happening to you or your families.

Do I as an Ontario Taxpaying Landlord have no rights in Ontario anymore? Am I better off just taking my own property back or does the LTB expect that I should lose another $30,000 on top of what I’ve already lost to this criminal tenant? 

Is the LTB going to continue to support this criminal tenant behaviour for another year?

I am amazed that this is actually happening here in Ontario. Once it was the best place for hard working honest tax paying citizens who try to obey the rules. Maybe it’s a mistake. 

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